This consists in medical journeys, offered voluntarily by various groups of foreign doctors, to help preserve the health of people from different rural communities, who do not have access to a hospital or health center, serving patients effectively, providing patients with a symbolic value per consultation, receiving medications for free. Our goal is to provide health services in rural communities that do not have them, allowing people to visit a doctor for patient care or for general checkups and diagnosis of chronic diseases. A prevention area is also promoted in which the inhabitants of the community are trained in meetings where they socialize informationwith the medical team, building mutual knowledge.

In our society, due to pollution and difficult living conditions and poor diets of the people of various communities we support, there are more and more health problems, which makes them populations at risk due to the lack of adequate services to diagnose and treat diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney problems, stomach, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, tumor formation, congenital pathologies, etc. Therefore, HELATH IN ACTION organizes medical journeys as an alternative to improve the health of people within the communities and be able to be diagnosed and treated according to their needs or conditions.
This program has been implemented through 10 years in 20 communities in Southwestern Guatemala, providing treatments to support more than 6,000 people with chronic and common conditions such as influenza, dehydration, infections, parasites among others. The foundation provides follow-up to critically ill patients to verify that they fully comply with the treatment as directed by the doctor.

HEALTH IN ACTION supports special critical cases, providing them with the costs of laboratory tests, diagnostic tests, surgery and treatment. For approval and prioritization, these cases are evaluated through socioeconomic studies.
The health programs are directed to rural communities and have an unquestionable constructive role in placating human suffering and reach areas where they do not have the resources nor access to health services (medications, health centers, hospitals, etc.).
This program has been implemented through 10 years in 20 communities in Southwestern Guatemala, providing treatments to support more than 6,000 people with chronic and common conditions such as influenza, dehydration, infections, parasites among others. The foundation provides follow-up to critically ill patients to verify that they fully comply with the treatment as directed by the doctor.

This program has been implemented through 10 years in 20 communities in Southwestern Guatemala, providing treatments to support more than 6,000 people with chronic and common conditions such as influenza, dehydration, infections, parasites among others. The foundation provides follow-up to critically ill patients to verify that they fully comply with the treatment as directed by the doctor.